14 Strategies for Marketing T Shirts You Shouldn’t Ignore

t shirt marketing

There are a lot of marketing strategies that you can follow to promote your t-shirt marketing campaign. Whether you decide to print custom t shirts or design them on your own, there is a right and wrong way to market if you want to run a successful t shirt business. In this article, we’re going over 10 marketing t-shirt strategies that you shouldn’t ignore so you can sell more shirts!

Marketing in the T shirt industry starts just like every other industry.

You have to develop a t shirt marketing strategy. Understanding your target audience and why they buy t shirts is important when it comes to running any t-shirt business. Conducting market research using analysis like a SWOT, PESTEL or SOAR analysis will help you understand how you stand out in the t-shirt industry so that you can market more effectively with less work!

Don’t get overwhelmed.

There are lots of resources available for learning about t shirt marketing strategies online but don’t get too overwhelmed by all of them. The point early on is simply to come up with some thoughts behind what kind of brand image would fit best in your customers’ lives. 

Make sure not to copy your competitors though, because the most successful brands are able to differentiate themselves from their competition through a t-shirt marketing strategy, crafting a brand image that stands out from the rest.  It’s easy to get caught up in what other people do, but what you do is unique.  That’s why you do it.

Below we have a mix of marketing tips and strategies specific to running a t shirt business.Some of these strategies will help you get started with your t-shirt business and some of them are more advanced ideas to keep in mind if you want to run a successful t-shirt company! So without further ado let’s jump right into what they are:

1 – Decide what kind of t shirt designs defines you.

Are you selling generic t-shirts? Are you printing custom shirts for people? Do you print shirts for businesses or groups?  These are all examples of different styles for t shirt design.

Defining your design stile and printing technique will direct you to where your target audience is.

Selecting a t shirt design at a t shirt store.
Good design ideas help you find your audience.

Are you a creative type who is looking to get your own t shirt designs out there? Do you enjoy working with individuals and groups? Perhaps you offer both. Do you like the prospect of earning big money from partnerships with businesses and small companies, or do you prefer the flexibility that comes with being a print on demand business owner?

No matter what, make sure before anything else, determine what style of t-shirt designs your company actually produces so all subsequent decisions can be made around this focal point. You’ll also want to research your competition and figure out what makes you different.

Develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

Your unique selling proposition is the one thing that will make people buy from you instead of somebody else. It can be as simple as “our shirts are made of 100% cotton” or it could be something more complicated like “we print on premium t-shirts with eco-friendly inks”. Your USP will depend on your product, the market you’re selling to, and what makes it different from everything else!

2 – Build brand awareness that helps you strengthen relationships.

If your brand is recognizable to people, you’ll be able to reach more of them!  Whether it’s through social media marketing or making a great first impression when someone sees your shirt on the street. You won’t have to rely as much on paid advertising if people recognize and like what they see when they look at you.

Develop a brand identity.

A group of people in a professional network
Brand awareness is your frontline public relations.

Your brand image can say a lot about who you are in the public eye so make sure that everything from your logo down to how your business cards look reflects positively upon yourself and whatever product or service you’re offering with quality printing services. When customers think of “you” then this should come up in their head along with all sorts of positive adjectives describing why they love working with you.

Build brand loyalty through customer service and marketing tactics.

A lot of companies spend a good deal of time on creating brand recognition but neglect to put the same amount of effort into building brand loyalty, which is why it’s so important for your business! Brand loyalty doesn’t happen by accident; it takes lots of hard work along with a consistent message that’s delivered in a positive way. Make sure your customer service is top-notch and always go the extra mile, offer incentives for referrals, and keep up with social media so you can reach out to customers on a more personal level.

All these strategies work together to create a well-oiled machine that will help you succeed with your t-shirt printing business!

3 – Use Your Brand Knowledge to Cater to Customer Branding Needs.

Branding is one of those things that a lot of people think they understand, but when you start to get into the details there’s actually a lot more to it. As a t shirt business you act as a sort of brand consultant or provider, it’s your job to understand your client’s branding. But even before you can do that, you need to build relationships with your clients and understand their needs.

For example, if a client is in the sports industry or runs an athletics club that competes in local events, then they might need help promoting their brand. You can find ways of helping them build up brand recognition by using t-shirts as a promotional tool. Companies and small businesses can also use t-shirts internally, sell them, or give them away to their customers. T-shirts are a great way to portray a brand and they’re something that people love to wear.

Individuals are brands too!

a man wearing your design t shirts from your blue t shirt product line
Your customer brings their own personality to your brand.

And it’s not just companies that can use t-shirts to promote their brand. Individuals can too, and in fact, they often do. When someone wears a t-shirt with your cool t shirt design or slogan it reflects their personal brand, it helps to build recognition for the company or organization behind it. Whether your target audience is an individual or part of a team, you’ll find them using t-shirts as brand ambassadors, which is a great way to show your support.

The next time you’re working with a customer, think about what their brand means to them and what brand recognition means to you. It’s a powerful way of building relationships with your clients and helping them strengthen their brand. Done right, this will definitely put more than a few dollars in your pocket.

4 – Take advantage of your social media accounts.

The use of social media has exploded in recent years, and it’s an excellent platform to sell t-shirts. Particularly if you are running an online t shirt business.  Let’s face it, if you are looking for your future customers, they are on social media in some fashion. As long as you believe in what you’re doing, reaching out via your social media accounts is a fantastic method to make money. In fact we were able to succeed by selling to our particular online communities early on.

Make sure you’re aware of the traps. You can’t simply post your items on social media and expect sales to come pouring in. You must provide newsworthy material that attracts attention. The key is to create engaging content using meaningful information.

spider web, probably edited in adobe photoshop
When running a t shirt store it’s easy to fall into SEO traps. Save your business some heart ache and stay out of the web offered by just posting products for sales.

All these things are important to make your t-shirt printing business successful!

When done correctly, social media can be one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal! So get creative, and have some fun with it!

PRO TIP: Dog owners love merch!

If you aren’t sure what local group to start with, think about joining a group like a local dog owners group.  They are passionate and want to express themselves.

5 – Speaking of Social Media Learn How to use Facebook Marketing Tools.

There’s no way to talk about social media these days without mentioning Facebook. It is, after all, the 800-pound gorilla of the space.

But when it comes to t-shirt marketing strategies, you also can’t ignore Facebook’s Marketing tools. These tools let you use your existing customers to build a better profile of your potential customer for your online t shirt company.

Participating in some Facebook groups will not only help you build your name and expertise, but it can also assist you to develop an understanding of what your customers want.  It’s like getting customer feedback before even making a sale. You can also use targeted ads on Facebook to reach people who are likely to be interested in what you have to sell.

So if you want to take advantage of the power of social media for your t-shirt business, start by learning how to use Facebook’s marketing tools.

6 – If you want more sales then it’s time to create a website and sell t shirts online.

Creating a website is one of the best-selling t-shirt strategies you can implement to increase your sales.

You may not think having a site makes that much difference, but it does – especially if you want to sell more shirts online. It’s estimated that 80% of people looking for products or services will go online first and use search engines like Google, Yahoo! or Bing to find what they need. That means most potential customers are going straight to their favorite search engine instead of heading over to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. So unless you have an established social media presence with lots of followers who trust your brand—which isn’t easy by any stretch—a website should be your number one priority when selling t-shirts online.

You can’t rely on selling t-shirts on social media alone, and selling shirts on your site is a great way to increase your sales in a cost effective way! So if you want more customers then it’s time for you to make a website and sell t shirts online today.

Website Pro Tip #1: Make your website mobile friendly.

It’s very likely most of your target audience surfs the internet on their mobile device more often than they do on their desktop these days. If your online t shirt business can’t display correctly, people will move on, and you’ll lose out on some really easy sales.

Website Pro Tip #2: Create SEO Driven T shirt Descriptions.

Of all the tools SEO is the most effective free tool
SEO is very cost effective, and will get you recognized more. Don’t forget to try to catch local search results too.

When people are looking for products, they use search engines. And when it comes to online t shirt businesses, one of the most important aspects of your website is your product descriptions.

You want to make sure you’re using keywords that will help potential customers find you. But be careful not to overdo it – stuffing your descriptions with too many keywords can actually hurt your ranking on search engines and drive away potential buyers. So how do you know which keywords to target?

One way is by using Google AdWords Keyword Tool. This tool will help you find related keywords that people are searching for on Google. You can then use these keywords in your descriptions, making it easier for people who are interested in buying a t-shirt to find your online store.

You can save money by using SEO product descriptions on your website.

The keywords you choose are important, but remember that they’re only part of the process; it’s also essential for customers to be able to easily navigate through your site and browse all the products you have available.

On top of choosing relevant keywords in both your titles and descriptions, make sure each page is easy for people to read—and most importantly – understand! You don’t want someone giving up halfway into reading a description because there was too much jibberish or technical language thrown in there. People want information quickly without having to wade through paragraphs of text just so they can get what they

7 – If you have an online store, you need to consider a blog.

If you don’t have a blog for your online store, you’re missing out on a lot of potential customers. A blog is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach your target market and help them understand what you’re all about.

Wordpress blog post
T shirt marketing gets a really big boost from a good blog. If you print on demand a blog is even more important. It lets your customers feel like they are building a relationship with you.

Blogs also give search engines content to recognize, which can increase your organic SEO. And best of all, blogs are a great way to provide valuable content that will keep people coming back to your website. Don’t forget the key to a good blog is quality content.

So the next time you’re working on a marketing campaign for your online store, don’t forget the power of a good blog!

Pro Tip: Creating videos to go along with your blogs creates stronger user engagement, gives you a larger social media profile, and brings you even more customers. With short videos like you find on Instagram, Tik Tok, and even with YouTube shorts, you have an opportunity to make an impact with small time investment.

8 – It’s time to talk about the classic email marketing list.

An email list is one of the most powerful ways to stay in touch with current customers and potential new ones. But did you know that 60% of people report opening emails from brands they’ve purchased from? And 40% have made a purchase as a result, which means it’s time for all online stores to start using an email marketing strategy! According to Hubspot, “Emails are 39 times more likely than social media posts or organic search visitors to convert into a lead” – so if you want your store to succeed then take advantage of this.

Email lists may seem like old-school technology, but there’s still nothing better when it comes to converting targeted traffic into sales. It helps build trust by being able to keep in touch with customers on a personal level, and it’s still one of the most effective ways to reach your target market.

So if you’re not already using an email marketing list, now is the time to start! It will help increase repeat sales with current customers and bring in new ones too.

9 – Offer Discounts to Generate Excitement and Loyalty.

When you’re starting a new business, it’s important to find ways to generate excitement and loyalty among your customers. One way to do this is by offering customer discounts.

coupon code printing on a phone.  Provide free discounts to boost other sales.
It’s not enough to just create designs. You need to offer incentives early on to hook your customers and show them what you have to offer isn’t the same thing as your competitor.

Customer discounts can help increase sales in a number of ways. First, they create a sense of urgency and encourage people to buy now rather than later. They also make your brand more affordable, which can attract new customers. And finally, discounts show your customers that you appreciate their business and want to reward them for it.

All of these factors work together to help improve the bottom line for your t-shirt business – so be sure to take advantage of customer discounts whenever you can!

So if you want more sales then start using targeted ads on Facebook and Twitter, have a blog to give search engines content, be sure to use an email marketing list with your online store and consider offering customer discounts.

10 – Photoshoots give your t shirt business professional flair.

When you have a well-planned photoshoot, it can give your t shirt business the professional flair that you need to attract more attention.

Camera lenses from a photoshoot
A photoshoot helps your business show off it’s product ideas in a professional way.

A photoshoot doesn’t have to be expensive – but it is an investment that pays off in the long run. By having high-quality images of your products, you can use them for promotional materials such as ads, your website and even on social media sites like Instagram or Pinterest.

If you’re searching for methods to boost your t shirt business, consider organizing a photoshoot!It will help improve the overall look and feel of your brand, and help attract new customers too.

11 – Local outreach can really increase the sales of your t shirt business.

One of the best ways to sell more t-shirts is through local outreach.

People are often eager to support their favorite sports team, individual or group – and if you can tap into this market then it means increased sales for your business.

Running a local contest.

A great way to do this is by hosting a giveaway contest on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. Offer prizes such as free t shirts from your online store, tickets to an event or even a cash prize that will be donated directly back into the community! By doing so people who enter will not only want to win but they’ll also share about what’s going on with friends and family too. This makes reaching new customers easier than ever before!

Engaging in local social media pages.

Another way to connect with local customers is by engaging in local social media pages. This could be something as simple as setting up a Facebook page for your business and then liking other local businesses’ pages. You can also join relevant groups on LinkedIn or Google+ that are related to the products you sell.

By doing so, you’ll not only make connections with potential customers, but you’ll also learn about what’s going on in the community and find new ways to get involved. Local outreach is a great way to increase sales for your t shirt business – so be sure to take advantage of all the strategies mentioned!

The Benefits of Local Support.

When it comes to small businesses, one of the best things you can do is support your local community. Not only does this help out your neighbors and friends, but it can also have a positive effect on your bottom line.

Hands from a business put together in support for teamwork.
Your business will get a boost working with your local businesses. Don’t forget to bring along your business card.

One way to support your local community is by joining the local chamber of commerce. This is a great way to get connected with other businesses in the area, as well as learn about new opportunities that are available. For example, you may find out about an upcoming trade show or networking event that would be a perfect opportunity for marketing your t-shirts!

Another great way to get involved in the community is by donating time or money to local causes. This helps make people feel good about supporting your business, and it can have a big impact for your t shirt business.

Pro Tip: You may also want to host a local event, such as a team-building day or a charity-related run.

These are great ways to promote your business while supporting the community at the same time! You might even get in the local newspaper. Free advertising!

12 – Become a sponsor to create awareness

Another great way to create brand awareness and increase local presence is by becoming a sponsor. This could be for an event or group that’s relevant to your target market – for example, sponsoring a local little league team.

A local sports team is a good way to advertise
Sponsoring a team creates long lasting bonds, generates businesses and just feels good.

When you become a sponsor, you’ll typically receive some form of advertising in return. This could be something as simple as having your company name on the t-shirts of the players, or it could be more involved such as having a banner at the event or even being included in promotional materials.

Sponsoring local events and groups is a great way to get your business seen by potential customers, and it can also help improve relationships within the community. So if you’re looking for ways to support your local area – and increase local t shirt sales – then local sponsorship is definitely an option to consider!

13 – Don’t forget old fashioned local advertising.

With our focus on the internet, it’s easy to forget local advertising, but that would be a mistake. This could be something as simple as posting flyers around town or it might involve buying a local newspaper advertisement.

If you’re running a local t shirt printing business then your local community will definitely benefit from more exposure – and the easiest way to do that is with some good old fashioned advertising

14 – Don’t be too proud to ask for referrals.

One of the best ways to generate sales for your t shirt business is by asking for referrals. This could be from friends and family, or it might involve reaching out to local businesses.

When you ask for referrals, make sure you provide a good incentive – such as a discount on future orders or even free shipping. By providing an incentive, you can encourage customers to recommend your business and in turn generate more local t shirt sales.

Wrapping it all up!

So there you have it, marketing t-shirt strategies that you really can’t afford to ignore. If you want to see a boost in your t-shirt sales, then make sure to try out some of these methods! And if you need any help getting started, be sure to contact us – we’d love to help. Thanks for reading!

And that’s a wrap! We hope you found this article helpful and informative. Be sure to check back soon for more great content from the team at Tshirtprinterschool.com!

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